MediEvil Resurrection is the third installment of the platformer series. The presented version in many respects resembles its predecessors. However, the authors of Resurrection have taken care of a sufficiently large number of completely new elements.
MediEvil Resurrection PC Download – Review:
The main character of MediEvil Resurrection PC Download is Sir Daniel Fortesque. This is a rather unusual Knight, the hero mentioned is a Walking Dead Man. What’s more, Fortesque doesn’t seem to realize it at all. The whole game, as you can imagine, is filled with black humor. Resurrection does not differ in this particular aspect of the gameplay from what its predecessors managed to present.
Fortesque, as befits a hero of a crazy platformer, is equipped with quite unusual weapons. The dead man uses one of his limbs during the fight. Moreover, it can transform it into an unusual boomerang, so as to more efficiently eliminate distant opponents. The game also included more classic weapons in the form of swords, clubs, axes or knives. The main character in the course of the game can get a total of a dozen different types of weapons. However, it should be noted that certain items are present only in small quantities. This applies, among other things, to the already mentioned throwing knives. Moreover, the selected objects as you play the next battles can gradually wear out. New items can be obtained in several different ways – by searching through the studied boards, or by sourcing from local merchants.
The main point of the program MediEvil Resurrection PC Download is, of course, spectacular duels with hostile individuals. Depending on the currently played stage, it can be various ghouls, zombies, gargoyles, or other such creatures. There is also no shortage of powerful bosses in the game. The control of the corpse is quite obvious, and some duels can be challenging. Fortesque has a total of several different boards to beat. At the same time, it is worth noting that between individual missions, the mentioned Knight can additionally arm himself. This solution should be well known to fans of previous installments of the series. Resurrection also includes a number of interactive minigames, such as crossbow competitions. The game’s visuals are shown in full three-dimensional. Most of the levels are located in rather dark types of scenery. The game has a not very extensive multiplayer for two people (Wi-Fi).
MediEvil Resurrection Trailer
Game Specification
Download Size: 10 GB
Languages: EN, DE, FR, IT, PL, RU, KO, EL
Game Mode: Single Player
Platform: PC
MediEvil Resurrection Installer:
(PC Installer)
Minimum system requirements
CPU: | Intel Core i3-530 AMD A6-3650 |
OS: | Win 7 64 |
RAM: | 4 GB |
Video Card: | NVidia GeForce 9600GT AMD Radeon HD 6570 |
HDD: | 10 GB |
- Download the PC Installer file by clicking on the button below.
- Unzip the file to your desktop using WinRar.
- Run the PC Installer.exe file and click Download.
- Follow the download instructions.
- Follow the installation instructions.
- Customize language settings.
I used to have the first or second part on PSXa, the game was great :)!