A Space for The Unbound is an adventure game that revolves around relationships, depression and paranormal themes, and is set in an Indonesian village. The game was developed by independent studio Mojiken, and released by Toge Productions, known for such productions as My Lovely Daughter and Necronator Dead Wrong.
A Space for the Unbound PC Download – Review:
The game is set in the late 1990s in Indonesia. When an enigmatic power that threatens not only human life but the fate of the entire world is unleashed, the two protagonists decide to take matters into their own hands and avert disaster. Atma and Raya, as the two characters are called, travel through an idyllic village in search of clues and necessary information, while getting to know each other better and the villagers themselves ready to share their stories. There were also moving paranormal themes, the struggle with one’s own fears, the theme of depression and cats.
A Space for The Unbound is a two-dimensional adventure game viewed from a side perspective. From time to time there are challenges in the form of solving simple puzzles consisting in delivering the desired object, but the game is primarily focused on exploration, learning the plot by interacting with encountered NPCs and watching climatic cutscenes.
A Space for The Unbound to till was fixed from beginning to end in the style of pixel art typical for the lat 90, but much more colorful and rich in particular and animations. The music for the game is composed by Masdito “Ittou” Bachtiar, who previously worked with Mojiken on she and The Light Bearer.
Game Specification
Download Size: 3 GB
Languages: EN, DE, FR, IT, PL, RU, KO, EL
Game Mode: Single Player
Platform: PC
A Space for the Unbound Installer:
(PC Installer)
Minimum system requirements
CPU: | Intel Core i3-6100 |
OS: | Win 7 64 |
RAM: | 4 GB |
Video Card: | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 |
HDD: | 3 GB |
- Download the PC Installer file by clicking on the button below.
- Unzip the file to your desktop using WinRar.
- Run the PC Installer.exe file and click Download.
- Follow the download instructions.
- Follow the installation instructions.
- Customize language settings.