The sequel to the futuristic racing game Flashout 3D, produced by the Katowice studio Jujubee and referred to by players as "Polish Wipeout". The first part of the game was transferred to pecet monitors after the considerable success it achieved on mobile devices and the OUYA console. The sequel ...
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Flashout 3 is the third installment in the WipEout series of racing games launched in 2012. The title was developed by the Polish studio Jujubee. Flashout 3 PC Game Download - Review: In Flashout 3 PC Game Download, we sit behind the controls of futuristic vehicles hovering above the ...
READ MORE +Deep Diving Simulator is a simulation game in which we play as a professional diver. The production was developed by The Independent Katowice team Jujubee; we are talking about developers who have in their portfolio such titles as Realpolitiks, Kursk or the Flashout series. Deep Diving ...